Friday, March 15, 2019

18A- Create A Customer Avatar

Image result for college student on moped

The ideal customer for my mobile, onsite scooter repair service is someone who is in a hurry, wearing a backpack, probably on their way to class. This customer is probably between the ages of 18 and 22 and may have a part time job. This customer is probably still dependent upon their parents income and makes their purchasing decisions with this in mind. The typical customer probably enjoys spending their free time watching Netflix shows like Game of Thrones or going out to bars. The typical customer could hold any political beliefs and could follow a variety of religions. My typical customer is probably hard working, energetic, and open minded, as most students are.

My typical customer and I both share some traits. Both of us are college students who own scooters. We are both between the ages of 18 and 22. We both are dependent upon our parents income. We both also like Netflix and going out. It is not a coincidence because we are both in the same demographic.


  1. Hi Riley,

    What a good job. I had a very good time reading your assignment as your custom avatar is someone similar to us. what i mean by this is that they are a college student who most likely is in the age range of 18-22, wearing a backpack, and walking around campus. you identified your prototypical customer as a college student and i really liked how you mentioned that they most likely still rely on their parents for funding and therefore always try to find the cheapest place to go. Overall, really good job and keep up the great work.

  2. Riley,

    You being in your demographic means you "probably" know what they want pretty well. I would say, Prof. Pryor has told us to target the people with money, and college students often don't have money. But, reading back, you wrote that they probably still live off of their parents' money, to some extent. So, it's almost like you're targeting the parents through the college students. Excellent analysis of your avatar.

  3. Your avatar made me realize all of the similarities my aquaintances and I have to your vision of a customer. The description went in depth and it felt as though you were truly describing a person I could be friends with. It shows that you know and relate to this model and that's beneficial for you since you know what you do or don't like. Instead of trying to advertise out of your age bracket you became more relatable.

  4. Hi riley,
    I found your avatar to be very neat, organized and to the point. Your customer base is targeted towards college students who need to repair their damaged scooters. Your demographic all seem to have pretty uniform interests, and this will make marketing to them that much easier. Additionally, it would be smart to utilize things like social media and sites that your market base typically views when advertising your product.
